9 Plants for Hair Care + How to use them

Translated by Nick R

Tired of spending money on expensive hair products that don’t do their job? Want to improve the vibrancy of your hair but don’t know how? Plants are your best allies! They not only adorn our home or garden with their presence but they’re also terrific useful to beautify our hair and achieve the desired results.

Below, we’ll talk about the 9 plants that will help you most with hair care. We’ll tell you about its benefits, how to prepare them for application and how you can sow them in your garden or orchard.

You’ll see that it is very simple and the great benefit you can get from them!

Ways to prepare plants to extract their nutrients

To get started, you should know how you can extract nutrients from plants to make them applicable.

How to extract plant nutrients in infusion:  

Boil water depending on how much you want to prepare, either for a single use or for something deeper like restoration. Then add generously the plant you want to make the infusion from. Leave it to stand for 15 to 30 minutes and then pass the liquid through a sieve to remove leaves and branches.

You can store it in an airtight plastic or a glass container, as long as the liquid keeps its natural odor is in perfect condition to be used. That is if you notice changes in the infusion´s aroma, you should prepare a new one.

How to extract plant nutrients  in oil:

Choose an airtight plastic or small glass container in which you want to store your preparation. Insert several pieces of the plant from which you’ll extract its nutrients. It doesn’t have to be crushed, in fact, make sure that the oil has enough space to go through the plants.

You can use olive oil, sunflower oil or the one of your choice. Then add it to the bowl until it covers all the plants and seal with the tip. Let it rest for at least 21 days so all the properties can be well extracted. Keep it stored in a shady and cool place.

How to extract plant nutrients  in vinegar: 

In a bowl with apple cider vinegar, add several pieces of the plant that you are going to merge. As with oil, let it sit in a cool dark place for 3 to 4 weeks before using.

In perfect conditions, both oil and vinegar preparations can last up to 1 year, Remember that you’ll notice that it is no longer functional when it changes its smell or color.

How to extract plant nutrients  in shampoo, conditioner or treatments:

Simply add the plant to the products you use for cleaning or maintaining your hair. Depending on the plant, I’ll tell you later if you should add it whole, in oil or even powder.

Plants to facilitate hair growth

We’ll start with plants that, apart from having several properties, are special to clean the scalp and thus, help hair growth.


It’s an aromatic and green plant with small but very abundant needle-shaped leaves and usually white flowers. That’s right, rosemary not only serves for cooking preparations but also for the hair; thanks to all its nutrients.

Rosemary has a good source of iron, calcium and vitamins A, C and B-6. Thanks to its antioxidant and antibacterial components, it helps improve the blood circulation of the scalp, further than cleaning and nourishing hair follicles. That explains why it has become such a natural choice for hair care.

Rosemary also gives you other benefits as a moisturizer, helping with dry scalp and preventing dandruff. Similarly, it is also known for strengthening hair and thereby preventing premature baldness. Additionally, when using it, its rich aroma will help you to improve your mood and reduce stress.

How to sow rosemary?

It easily spreads with cuttings. Seeds can also be used, although their germination is slower and the success rate is lower. Likewise, the waiting time for the rosemary harvest cuttings is usually 1 year.

You must have sandy soil that is rough and doesn’t retain water since rosemary doesn’t like to be wet all the time, it still enjoys having abundant hours of direct sun. Therefore, it’s important to grow them in containers that can be moved inside the home in winter or extreme cold seasons, especially with new shoots.

So to start, take a branch between 8 and 15 centimeters from the stem of a plant that is already vigorous and remove the leaves from the bottom. Then plant 1 or 2 cuttings in a pot with fertilizer and water. After 8 weeks the roots will be ready to be transplanted to the garden or to a larger container.

How to use rosemary for hair growth?

  • Rosemary infusions: especially on wet hair, you can help apply it with an atomizer. Either as the last rinse when showering or when going out of it.
  • Rosemary vinegar: Combine ¼ of rosemary vinegar cup with 1 or 2 cups of water. While you bathe, use this liquid after shampoo, you won’t need to rinse it, just let the hair dry outdoors.
  • Rosemary oil: You can also mix it with other oils of your choice, argan or coconut for example. Apply it to all the hair and let it act at night, the next day wash it as usual. Do it 1 or 2 times a week. You can even choose to apply it from mid-lengths to ends when you’re detangling your hair or before ironing it.
  • Rosemary in shampoo or hair treatment: Simply add several rosemary leaves to your favorite shampoo or hair treatment, mask, or hair food of your choice.


It’s an aromatic plant with green leaves and toothed edges. It’s very desired for its properties and refreshing aroma; therefore, it’s popular enough to have one in your garden.

Mint is an herb that has antioxidant, antibacterial, vitamin, and mineral properties that help solve and cure scalp problems. It also helps with blood flow circulation.

Don’t underestimate this plant’s functionality or other similar ones, the basis of hair growth is a healthy scalp.

However, mint also provides other benefits such as strengthening the hair to prevent it from breaking easily, eliminating dandruff, and complete freshness accompanied by a pleasant smell.

How to sow mint?

For mint, loamy soil is the best, it retains water and nutrients better as this plant likes moisture. You’ll see that it is a plant that grows and expands easily, so you’ll have to plant it in an ample place or prune it to control its growth.

Take a stem between 20 and 25 centimeters and remove the leaves from the bottom from 10cm below. Submerge the stem in a glass with water and wait for 15 days, refill it if the amount of water has dropped. After this time, you’ll notice that the stem has grown white roots and will be ready to be sown in a pot or directly in the ground.

Finally, you’ll have to take the stem with its new roots and plant it horizontally. That is, make a wide line 2cm deep, in this space put the part of the stem from which you removed the leaves and cover it. Always avoid puddling when watering.

How to use mint for hair growth?

  • Peppermint oil: Apply to all hair about 2 times a week, preferably the night before washing. If you want do a massage with the fingertips in circles and sleep with a bathing cap for comfort.
  • Mint paste with lemon: Grind several mint leaves and add the juice of a lemon. Apply this mixture to your scalp and let it work for 30 to 45 minutes, then wash your hair as usual. Do this 1 or 2 times a week.
  • In your shampoo or hair treatment: You only need to add several mint leaves to your favorite shampoo or to the treatment, mask or hair food of your choice.

Calendula or marigold

Marigold is easy to recognize thanks to its intense yellow or orange petals. You’ll see why it can be your best ally to increase hair volume and promote its growth.

Its regenerative properties help the hair follicles grow abundantly, growing thicker hair. In addition, it protects the scalp due to its antioxidant properties, ideal for sensitive hair.

Other benefits of calendula are its effectiveness in preventing dandruff, thanks to hydration. Besides, remember that this plant is also used for natural lightening. Although it’ll act depending on the use frequency and the natural color of your hair.

How to sow marigold?

The marigold is reproduced with seed, they are quite characteristic for their C-shape, resembling a small horseshoe. It isn’t a demanding plant, but we recommend using soil with good drainage and high nutrients.

You can sow the seeds directly in the garden, in pots or in seedlings. To do this, make a small hole 2 or 3 centimeters deep, place the seed, cover and water.

This plant likes warm climates and humidity. When you have planted the seeds, ensure that the soil is always moist to guarantee germination and that the plant is located in a place with indirect sunlight. Also, a layer of compost or fertilizer before sowing will favor plant growth.

How to use marigold for hair growth?

  • Marigold infusion: Apply this liquid as a final rinse while washing your hair or spray it on freshly washed wet hair. Comb as usual and let it dry outdoors.
  • Calendula oil: Some hours before bathing or the night before, apply it on all the hair, 1 or 2 times a week. You can accompany it with a gentle massage in the circles to stimulate the scalp.
  • Calendula vinegar: Mix ¼ of this vinegar with 2 cups of water and use it while showering. No need to rinse it off.

Plants to stop hair loss

If while you showering and detangling your hair you notice that it starts falling grossly exaggerated, we’ll continue with those plants that will help you avoid its fall as a first benefit.


Despite being considered a “weed” because of its stinging hairs that produce itching and inflammation, it’s well known for helping to stop the excessive production of DHT that leads to hair loss.

The more clogged the hair follicles are, the harder they have to work to keep healthy hair. As they weaken, you’ll notice that your hair gets thinner, breaks easily, and hairs fall out every day. That is why the chemical composition of the nettle acts to relieve scalp inflammation and strengthens, preventing it from falling quickly.

Among other nettle benefits, you’ll see that it helps to have brighter, healthier hair and will also be ideal to eliminate dandruff.

How to sow nettle?

Nettle requires soil with good drainage and rich in organic matter. Its sowing is also by seeds that you can place directly in your garden or in pots, then transplant to the ground or to a wider container.

It’s a plant that adapts to all types of weather, but we recommend you to plant it in semi-shade. In addition, try to wear gardening gloves when working with this plant to avoid irritations and discomfort.

Now, to grow the seeds you only have to put several at a time, you’ll see that they are very small and not all manage to germinate. Then you cover them with a thin layer of soil and give them a stream of water.

Remember that, to get the seeds or cuttings, you can go to florists, local nurseries, warehouses with a gardening department or directly exchange them with local farmers.

How to use nettle for hair loss?

  • Nettle oil: divide your hair into sections and apply it from the root to the tips. Let it act all night and wash the next day as usual. Oil is the best option since it can penetrate the scalp pores easily. Use it about 2 times a week.
  • Oil in shampoo or treatment: Add a few drops of nettle oil to your shampoo, treatment, mask, or hair food. Ideally, it should be in products that you rub through your scalp.


Moringa has become recently famous, which you can understand when seeing its several benefits, among them, it avoids hair loss.

Thanks to its high content of proteins, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, it helps to restore the nutrients lost by the hair and returns damaged follicles to life. This results in a rejuvenated and more resistant scalp. Likewise, this plant provides Omega 3 that fills the strands of hair with healthy oils, leaving it well-nourished.

This plant also has other benefits, such as encouraging hair growth and complete scalp hydration.

How to sow moringa?

Initially, keep in mind that the moringa is a tree that can reach 5 meters tall in one year, for growing it you’ll need plenty of room and an area with proper direct sunlight.

You can plant it from seeds or cuttings taken from an adult tree. In this case, the use of seeds is really simple and you’ll see results in just one week.

Therefore, before sowing them directly in the garden or in pots, take 2 or 3 seeds and leave them in a glass of water for 4 days. Then make a small hole in the ground at least 5 centimeters deep, place the seeds and cover them. As always, give them a generous watering.

How to use moringa for hair loss?

  • Moringa oil: Use it 1 or 2 times a week in the evenings before washing your hair. Apply from roots to ends and massage gently. You can also use it from mid-lengths to ends to detangle your hair or before ironing as a protection oil.
  • Moringa pastes with other ingredients: Crush the moringa until you get something like a powder. To prepare mix the following ingredients:
  • 1 tablespoon of this powder
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons avocado
  • 1 tablespoon honey                                      
  • 1 tablespoon of the oil of your choice, which can even be moringa oil.

Mix well until you form a paste, apply it from roots to ends, and leave it on for at least 15 minutes. Finally, wash your hair carefully to remove any residue.

  • Moringa infusion: Use this liquid at the end of your bath, but don’t rinse it out. You can also choose to use moringa vinegar for extra benefits.


This plant contains high concentrations of silicic acid, which strengthens weak, brittle and damaged hair. It has antimicrobial properties that protect and cleanse the scalp from infection, making it ideal for combating hair loss.

It also contains selenium and cysteine, known for promoting healthy hair growth. So, although it’s one of the lesser-known plants, it’s also one of the most widely used in hair products.

The horsetail plant also provides other benefits such as treatment for oily scalp. This is because it has antiseptic properties that, in excessive use, can dry out the hair.

How to sow horsetail?

Horsetail grows best in clay soil and preferably in pots without drainage. Likewise, it prefers areas with partial shade or direct sun. So, don’t worry if puddles form in the soil; horsetail loves moisture.

To propagate it you’ll need small rooted shoots that you’ll transplant into your garden soil or into a container for your vegetable garden or balcony. Simply make a hole in the soil according to the thickness of the root, place the sprout well, cover it and give it a good splash of water.

How to use horsetail for hair loss?

  • Horsetail infusion: As mentioned above, you should use this liquid to rinse your hair in the shower and let it dry naturally. You can also spray it with a spray bottle after washing if you find it more comfortable this way, do it once a week.
  • In your shampoo or hair treatment: Grind this dry herb to a powder. Add 2 to 3 teaspoons of this powder to your favorite shampoo or hair treatment, mask or hair food of choice.

The dream plant to fight dandruff

If you have bought several products to remove dandruff fungus and they have failed to give you the desired results. We’ll now tell you which plant is commonly used and praised for being ideal for dandruff eradication, besides offering other benefits to your hair.

Aloe Vera

Surely you were already expecting the appearance of this plant in this blog and is that aloe vera is easily the best known succulent because of its rich properties. It’s easy to recognize thanks to its large thick leaves that have a translucent gel inside.

It helps to remove impurities naturally, while its enzymes gently remove dead skin cells and flakes from the scalp. As a result, it fights itchy dandruff from the very first use.

Other benefits of aloe vera are its healing, moisturizing and anti-aging properties from vitamins A, B-12, C and E. This supports the growth of more radiant and strengthened hair.

How to sow aloe vera?

This plant, like all succulents, grows best in dry conditions and well-drained soil. So, restrain watering only when the soil is dry.

To reproduce it you can use medium-sized shoots taken from an adult plant, either rooted or unrooted, as aloe grows and branches easily. Then you only have to plant those shoots in pots until the plant and its roots grow, and then move them to your garden or to a larger container.

When planting, first fill the pot halfway and place the sprout so it holds best, then put the rest of the soil. If you are already transplanting it in your garden, make a hole of the size of your plant so that it will not tip over later on.

How to use aloe vera to fight dandruff? 

Before starting, be sure to leave the aloe leaves in a bucket or container of water overnight. This will remove the iodine from the plant, which can be harmful to hair and skin.

  • Natural or oil mask: Just cut a leaf and with the help of a spoon remove the gel inside. You can apply it directly to your scalp or mixed with an oil of your choice or honey. Remember to massage deeply and leave this mask on for at least 1 hour before taking a bath. I also recommend combing your hair gently to better spread the product. Repeat this procedure about 2 times a week.
  • Aloe mask with vinegar and honey: Mix 4 tablespoons of aloe with 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply this mask to your hair and leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes. Then, rinse and repeat this procedure once every 15 days.
  • In your shampoo or conditioner: Add 4 or 5 tablespoons of aloe to your shampoo or conditioner, preferably ​a dandruff-fighting shampoo or conditioner for faster results.

Plants to nourish and brighten your hair

While virtually all of the plants we mentioned above also help to nourish and add shine to your hair, we will now talk about 2 additional ones that will enrich it thanks to their natural substances.


This lilac or violet-colored plant helps balance the scalp’s natural oil production, making it a popular choice for people with all hair types.

It’s better known for its capacity to moisturize hair, leaving it silky and smooth. It also increases circulation to the hair follicles, which makes hair grow thicker and faster than usual.

Besides that, lavender has a wonderful scent. Its aroma can relax you and improve your mood. It’s also quite effective in controlling dandruff itching and eradicating it.

How to sow lavender? 

Lavender is not easy to grow from seed, so we recommend you use seedlings or cuttings taken from a mature plant. Sandy soil is better to avoid moisture, as well as an area with indirect sun or part shade.

Cuttings can be about 10 centimeters tall and can be planted either in large pots or in your garden all at once. You must give lavender good space because they grow at least half a meter and like to have good aeration.

Remember that this plant does not like to be wet all the time, so we advise you to feel the soil to verify that it is dry and then spray it with water.

How to use lavender to brighten your hair? 

  • Lavender oil: We recommend mixing lavender oil with another oil of your choice, in equal amounts. Leave it on overnight before washing your hair. Remember to massage the oil from roots to ends, and wear a shower cap for best results. Do this once a week or every 15 days.
  • In hair conditioner: Add about 2 tablespoons of lavender oil to your hair care products. It can be a conditioner, hair treatment or hair food.


This daisy-like herb, treasured worldwide for its calming properties, is rich in antioxidants, cleansing, and moisturizing properties. Chamomile is wonderful for conditioning hair and alleviating sensitive, irritated or itchy scalp.

Their vitamins work together to repair and nourish the cells, which helps strengthen the hair. Then, chamomile fights split ends and brittle hair while giving the hair a beautiful natural shine.

Chamomile is also used for other benefits as a natural lightening and nourishing herb. For instance, people who have dyed their hair claim that it helps to preserve the color longer.

How to sow chamomile?

This plant grows better in temperate climates, so we recommend a medium-shaded area. Also, we suggest using silty soil that can be accompanied by other nutrients through the compost.

The chamomile is grown from seeds in a seedbed or in a pot with good drainage. To grow them spread a good amount of their very tiny seeds, and cover them with approximately half a centimeter of the earth without crushing.

You can water it daily slightly with the help of a watering can to promote its germination. After 15 days you can see pleasant results.

How to use chamomile to brighten your hair?

  • Chamomile infusion: Use this liquid to rinse your hair at the end of the shower. Let it absorb for 15 to 20 and then rinse. If you want to lighten your hair, we recommend that you go out in the sun and let your hair dry naturally with the product on.
  • Chamomile mask with oil and lemon: Mix a cup of chamomile infusion with the juice of 1 lemon and 1 teaspoon of almond or coconut oil. Apply this product to your hair and let it stand for at least 30 minutes. Let it dry under the sun so that it clears more quickly. Then wash it as usual and repeat the process 1 time per week.

To conclude

Finally, as the last note, we suggest you test your desired plant before in case you are prone to allergic reactions. For this, you only have to apply a small dot of the product to your wrist. If you do not notice redness or itching in a few hours, you can use that plant without worrying.

Now that you learned about these 9 essential plants for your hair care, what are you waiting to try them? Besides, remember to share this information with your loved ones so they also learn about the great benefits that plants can provide to hair.

Similarly, if you liked this article and want to know more about the power of plants, we invite you to read everything you should know about medicinal plants; your best allies.