9 Warm-Weather Crops You Can Plant in Your Vegetable Garden

Cultivo de tomate

Translated by Nick R

All plants have a range of temperatures in which they grow best. Overall, we can classify them into 2 groups: those of cold climates and those of warm climates, which we’ll cover on this occasion.

So, if you live in a place with constant warm temperatures or summer is coming and you don’t know what plants you can grow, here we tell you!

Next, we’ll see the characteristics of warm-weather crops. we’ll show you which vegetables, fruits, and aromatic plants are ideal to grow during the hottest seasons. That said, we’ll recommend to you the 9 plants of warm climates that you can plant in your home garden and their care.

What are warm-weather crops?

Warm weather crops are those that can withstand higher soil and air temperatures and even need them to grow steadily and produce yields.

Therefore, if these plants are exposed to cold temperatures, their fruits won’t have the same taste and yield. A clear example is a cucumber that turns bitter in frost.

As warm-season crops are killed by heavy winter frosts, the planting process should be done after the last spring frost. However, a plus point is that they can be kept indoors first and then taken out when the temperature is optimal.

4 warm-weather crops for your vegetable garden

To get you started, we’re going to recommend 4 vegetables that you can have nicely in your warm-weather vegetable garden.


Cultivo de tomate

There is no doubt that tomatoes are a must-have in the kitchen. They can come in a wide range of flavors, colors and sizes, so we can classify them into 2 groups: Determinate tomatoes (which are bushy) and indeterminate tomatoes (which are vines).

For example, the Cherry tomato is the most popular in vegetable gardens and it’s usually indeterminate. So you can choose the variety you like the most and consider their characteristics to be able to handle them, although their planting process is the same.

Tomato sowing process

It’s perfect to start in late spring or early summer. The sowing process can be done by purchasing seeds or the ones that come with the tomatoes.

If you bought seeds, you can plant them first in a seedling and then transplant them or directly into the pot, container, or soil where the tomato will grow. All that matters is that it has plenty of space.

Place 1 or maximum 2 seeds per hole, which can be 1 centimeter deep. Cover the space with a little soil and add water.

Another much easier way is to use a tomato that you already have at home and slice it to get a slice about 1 centimeter thick. Then, place the slices in a pot and cover them with a soil layer. Don’t forget to give them a good water splash.

In 1 week you’ll see that the seeds have germinated and after 1 month you can start transplanting each sprout to the growing place where it’ll mature. As all the stems will be close together, just pull them out gently without fear of damaging the root: it’s very resistant by this point.

It’s best to plant the stem deep and leave only a few leaves on the surface. By doing this, the tomatoes will develop roots along the stems and you’ll get a stronger plant.

When you place the plant in the space where it’ll grow to fruit (if it’s a climbing tomato), you should place a stake, a stick or hang a string. This will assist its growth and formation.

If there comes the point where you don’t want the plant to continue growing and climbing, you should perform training pruning. This means cutting off the top of the plant to, somewhat, stop it.

Tomato care

The best is to use soil with good humidity and high nutrients. A universal substrate will be spectacular, but you can use regular soil and complement it with compost. To maintain humidity, you can use straw mulch or dry leaves.

Every container in which you plant tomatoes should have drainage holes. Many people choose to reuse buckets or buckets to make their crops, so don’t forget to make some holes in the bottom.

For light, tomatoes need to receive 6 to 8 hours of sun per day, although partial shade will also do well. Bear in mind that overcrowded plants won’t get enough sun, and the fruit may not ripen. If there are too many leaves or they’re in poor condition, pruning is also a good idea to allow the sun to pass through.

This plant needs frequent watering, specifically because of the high temperatures, so it should receive a good stream of water constantly and on a regular schedule. The ideal is to water it in the morning and be careful not to wet the leaves to avoid the arrival of diseases.

Remember the importance of crop rotation, so don’t sow tomatoes where you have already planted them the last few years. Likewise, don’t sow in a place with similar plants such as paprika and eggplant.

This crop is quite susceptible to pests, so you should check it constantly to detect them in time. It often hosts aphids, whiteflies or maggots.

Tomato harvest

Tomatoes can be harvested as early as 3 months after planting. However, this varies depending on the type of tomato and whether it has grown under favorable conditions.

Leave the tomatoes on the plants as long as possible so that they ripen naturally, this improves the flavor greatly. The time to pick them will be when they get a vibrant color which is usually red; size isn’t relevant.

It’s best to consume fresh tomatoes shortly after harvesting. If you refrigerate them, their flavor and texture will fade.


This is an easy-to-grow plant and quite suitable for beginner gardeners. Plus, what’s better than enjoying the delicious paprika flavor knowing that you harvested it straight from your vegetable garden.

It also has several varieties that differ in color and shape. Likewise, the planting process is the same and what may vary is the harvest time.

Paprika sowing process

You can start the process even several weeks before the last spring frost, but you must have your seeds germinating inside your home in a space free of drafts.

One spectacular thing is that you can get the seeds directly from the paprika fruit, and we’ll tell you how to sow them below.

Open paprika fruit as you do when cooking and take out the seeds. You can place several in a glass with soil to form a seedbed or sow them directly where they’ll grow. If placed directly in the ground be careful with the weather conditions so that they don’t freeze.

Either in soil or in a pot, make holes of about 1 centimeter and place 1 or 2 seeds per space.

When the seedlings have grown 15 centimeters or more, it’ll be time to transplant them. However, at this point, they should be moved to a location where they receive enough sunlight for vigorous development.

Paprika care

They should be planted in soil with high levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The element that provides the most of these components is manure compost or humus. Therefore, you can use sandy or clay soil but make sure you fertilize it with nutrients.

When talking about the container, keep in mind that the larger the container, the more space the plant will have and the more voluminous the fruit will be. You can use pots, raised beds or the ground.

As for light, when the seed germinates, it should be placed in a shady spot. As soon as the transplant is done, the plant can be moved to a spot with either direct or indirect sunlight.

Watering should be regular and constant, especially during the hottest times to cool the crop.

Although it’s a hardy plant, it can have problems with spider mites and whiteflies. A good way to combat these pests is by cleaning the leaves with water and a liquid soap mixture.

Paprika harvest

After 3 months from germination, you can start harvesting. In some cases, depending on the variety or the climatic conditions it may take up to 5 months.

It’s very pleasing to see the evolution of this crop, as you would notice that the flowers produced by the plant are the ones that become the fruits later on. Like tomatoes, you’ll know when to harvest the vegetable when it adopts its vibrant color, usually red or green, and when it feels firm to the touch.


The cucumber is a nutritious vegetable perfect for adding to your salads or consuming however you like. Like the tomato, it grows as a bush or vine so you can choose the variety that best suits your home garden.

Cucumber sowing process

You can start planting indoors and transplant outdoors 2 weeks after the last spring frost. Seeds can be purchased or extracted from a well-ripened cucumber.

To do this, first cut the sides to reveal the inner seeds. Now make 2 cuts lengthwise to open the vegetable, avoid touching the center where the seeds are. Here you’ll be able to open the cucumber easily with your hands.

Use a spoon to scoop the seeds into a glass, let them sit for about 3 days, and then pour water over them while passing them through a strainer. Place them on a plate or paper towel to dry, especially if you want to store them.

To sow them, in each hole of ½ or 1-centimeter, place 1 seed and cover with soil. In 4 to 7 days, the seeds will germinate, which makes it a plant that grows very quickly.

You can wet the soil thoroughly before placing the seeds or water them afterward. Just give it a good amount of water to moisten the soil and keep humidity.

If you made a seedbed or started the planting at home, when transplanting, make sure that the stem is properly buried and that the first lower leaves remain on the surface. Don’t forget to water the plant to counteract the impact of transplanting.

Cucumber care

This plant loves to grow in light soil rich in organic matter and with excellent drainage. Under these conditions, its roots will develop more easily.

As for the container, shrub varieties are suitable for growing in small spaces such as pots. However, you can also put climbing plants in them, as long as you include a stick or a string for it to support. As always, this can also be done on the ground.

As for light, it loves to be in a space with direct sunlight.

Watering can be done daily during hot weather, but the most important thing is not to puddle because the plant will dislike it.

Cucumber harvest

Harvesting will take place 2 months, more or less, after the seed has germinated.

If your cucumber plant hasn’t fruited, it may be due to a pollination problem. The best way to avoid this situation is to have flowers in your garden to attract pollinators, like bees. Some of these are lavender, marigold and thyme.

You’ll know when you can pick the cucumber when it’s green and firm. Don’t wait until it turns yellow unless you want to take the seeds for the next planting. Similarly, it’s best to remove the vegetable from the plant with a knife or scissors instead of pulling it off by hand to avoid any damage.

To store it, wrap it in plastic to retain its humidity and place it in the refrigerator. This way, they can stay in optimal condition for several weeks. However, the sooner you consume it, the better it will taste.


It’s an excellent crop that can tolerate temperatures up to 45° C so there is no excuse for having it in your home garden in hot climates. It even grows very slowly in cold climates.

Although we recognize eggplants by their distinctive dark purple color, it can vary as well as the size and shape. Although it doesn’t look like it, eggplant is a relative of the tomato and grows like a vine.

Eggplant sowing process

You can start seedlings indoors in late winter. As you know, it brings seeds inside that we can use to begin our eggplant cultivation.

For this, cut a fully ripe eggplant gently all around the edge and help yourself with your hands to open it. Extract its small seeds and pass them through a strainer while pouring water over them, remember to dry the seeds if you’re going to save them for later.

In the container, place 3 or more seeds separately. Add a little more soil to cover them slightly.

After about 10 days, your plants will have germinated, and a few weeks later, when they have several leaves or are about 20-25 centimeters tall, they’ll be ready to be transplanted. Of course, as long as the temperatures allow it.

When moving it to the place where it’ll grow and bear fruit, you should also sink the stem well and let the lower leaves lie at the top of the soil. As always, give them a good splash of water.

Eggplant care

It’ll grow fine in sandy soil with good drainage. For additional nutrients, use fertilizers or natural composts.

For potting, you can utilize pots, raised beds or the ground. In all cases, help the plant to entangle around a stick, stake or piece of string.

As you may know, it needs good light, so you should choose a sunny place to get the best results.

Constant watering is fundamental to keep the soil moist as it doesn’t tolerate drought at all. You can also use mulch, such as straw and dry leaves to keep the soil moisture and prevent weeds‘ growth.

Eggplant harvest

This plant can take up to 4 months to bear fruit, but that varies depending on the plant variety.

You can wait until each eggplant shows a vibrant color and feels firm to the touch; however, you can choose to harvest under-ripe eggplants and let them mature off the plant.

Don’t let eggplants remain on the plant after maturity. You’ll notice they’re overripe when their color changes and they become soft. As a result, they’ll lose quality, although the seeds may be used for another planting.

Remember the importance of using a knife or scissors to extract the fruit as this way you’ll make a fine cut in the stem, and you won’t damage the plant.

Finally, store it in the refrigerator. Even better, keeping it in a plastic wrap will help keep the plant’s moisture.

2 warm climate fruits for your vegetable garden

Now we want to suggest 2 fruit crops that you can have in your garden and that you’ll surely love.


No doubt this is a fruit that by just hearing its name conveys freshness and flavor. You’ll see how easy it is to have, as long as you provide it with the necessary facilities. The reason is that this plant requires a lot of heat, at least above 21° C.

Watermelon sowing process

Start planting in early spring, as the melon, the plant must make good use of the summer heat. Therefore, you should start the seedbed indoors and transplant it as soon as the heat arrives.

As in the previous cases, you can buy the seeds or easily obtain them from a watermelon. Then, when you slice a watermelon to eat it, remember not to throw away the seeds and put them on a plate.

Then, pass the seeds through a strainer, and remove any remaining pieces of fruit with water. Place them again in a dish and let them dry where they won’t receive direct sunlight but there is adequate airflow.

To sow them, place 2 or 3 seeds in each seedbed separately. Then, you should cover them with soil and give them a good splash of water to moisten them. After a few weeks, when the sprout has 4 leaves already, it can be transplanted.

A tip to transplant is to wet the soil beforehand, then gently place a hand on top and turn the container upside down. You can squeeze it a little and you’ll see how smoothly the plant will come out.

Watermelon care

It needs loose and well-drained soil, but it must retain moisture and be rich in organic material. Watermelons like to be well fed so try to keep the soil fertilized.

They’re usually planted in raised beds or in the earth, where they have more room to grow. The plant should have between 1 and 2 meters to expand. So, if you have a spacious pot you can also plant it there.

As we’ve been saying, this plant needs sunlight and warmth. This way, you’ll harvest juicy and tasty fruits.

For watering, a constant water supply is essential. The ideal is to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. If you want to refresh the leaves from time to time, it’s best to do it in the morning so that they dry out quickly in the sun.

Watermelon harvest

When you see small watermelons growing, the best practice is to mulch the soil with straw or other material to keep the fruit from coming in contact with the earth and rotting. This also prevents pests, diseases and weeds.

After 3 months you’ll be able to enjoy your watermelons. Harvest them when they turn from bright green to dull green and are firm. You can also give them a few gentle taps with your fist; they should sound hollow.


The melon crop has many similarities with watermelon. it’s a sweet plant perfect for enjoying in fruit salads or by itself for breakfast.

Melon sowing process

Again, like the mentioned plants, you can buy the seeds or take them from a melon when eating one. Do not throw them away!

Likewise, you can start seedlings indoors in the spring and transplant the sprout when the outside temperatures are warm or summer has arrived.

If a heavy frost occurs, you can help the soil warm up. To do so, you’ll only need to place some black bags on top of the soil or container where your crop will grow. This way, they’ll absorb heat and keep it in the soil.

The ideal is to put 2 to 3 seeds per space as not all of them may germinate. In case they do sprout and you don’t want so many melon plants, choose the seedling that has had the best development.

As you’ll see, using seedbeds is an excellent way to save time. You should place them in a spot where the seeds receive good light but not cold air currents. After approximately 7 days the seeds will have germinated, but after another 2-3 weeks, the sprouts will have developed leaves and can be transplanted.

Do not forget to provide some guidance for this climbing plant, which can be through a stick, a stake, or even a thread gently tied to a stem and hung.

Melon care

The use of soil that provides humidity and good drainage is essential, as in the case of loamy soil or, preferably, a universal substrate that offers more properties. As always, it’s fundamental to fertilize the crops so that they receive good nourishment that allows them to grow strongly.

For this climbing plant to grow and bear fruit, it’ll need a container with plenty of space. Therefore, you can use raised beds, and wide pots, directly in the ground if you have the space.

Be sure not to plant it near another vine to prevent them from mingling and stealing nutrients from each other.

On the other hand, of course, it needs direct sunlight to produce excellent fruit. Even when planted indoors it should receive good lighting.

It also requires constant watering, daily if possible to maintain the substrate humid; always avoiding puddling.

Melon harvest

Approximately 3 months after seed germination, you can harvest the melons. Interestingly, it’s recommended to reduce the irrigation frequency when you’re about to harvest to obtain sweeter fruits.

The way to know if the melon is already ripe, apart from getting its characteristic color, is by smelling the skin. If the smell of this fruit is perceptible, it means that it is ready to be consumed.

3 warm-weather aromatic plants for your garden

Last but not least, you can also include these 3 aromatic plants that will provide diversity to your vegetable garden and will allow you to enjoy their properties.


it’s a medicinal plant widely used in gastronomy to season and provide dishes with a tasty touch, even, it is loved in homes for its healing properties.

Parsley sowing process

Sowing is done only by seeds, in this case, cuttings don’t work to propagate the plant. However, it grows easily from seeds.

For the seedbed, place several seeds separately in a moist substrate and cover them by stirring the soil a little; don’t bury them too deep. You can also sow them directly where the plant will grow, also putting 2 to 3 per container or space.

The seeds will sprout more quickly if during its germination you place the container in a sunny spot.

Once the seedlings have sprouted in the seedbed, you’ll need to transplant them to where they’ll continue to grow. Water the soil a little to promote loosening but also remember to water them generously after planting to mitigate the impact.

Parsley care

You can use potting soil or substrate without any inconvenience. The important thing is that it has good moisture and drainage. You can also supplement with some natural fertilizer.

it’s a perfect plant for a pot, particularly so you’ll save space and, due to its long life cycle, you can move it inside your home when temperatures drop.

Remember that the pot must have the corresponding drainage holes, but you can leave a plate at the bottom to keep the substrate moistened longer.

As for the light, it can be located in full or partial sun or complete shade. It depends on how you accustom your plant. However, it won’t perform as well in cold conditions.

The most important thing is watering as the plant needs permanent moist soil. So you can slightly water it daily or depending on how the substrate seems to be.

Parsley harvest

you’ll see results after 3 months or even earlier, but don’t start harvesting until the plant has at least 8 leaves.

An excellent thing about herbs is that you can harvest them whenever you need to use them. In the case of parsley, pull the stems straight from the ground. They come out very easily, and you’ll have extra parsley for a long time.

When taking the stems, it’s best to use the ones at the edges and the closest to the ground. Especially when the plant is very leafy.


This plant is also used to flavor many recipes and is ideal to be consumed for its medicinal properties.

Basil sowing process

You can start your seedbed in spring or sow in early summer. It can be planted from seeds or cuttings taken from an adult plant.

To sow the seeds, just place 2 or 3 of them in the intended container and add a light soil layer on top. Water the substrate beforehand or sprinkle abundantly later.

To reproduce this plant by cuttings, you only have to take a long stem that already has several leaves to ensure success. Then, leave it in a half-full glass of water for several days, in case any leaf touches the water, it’s best to remove it.

In about 5 days, it’ll have developed white roots, and you’ll be able to transplant it to the pot or place where it’ll grow. Separate them 20 centimeters away from other plants.

To transplant or move it outdoors, keep in mind that it’s very sensitive to cold, so make sure that the temperature is already warm to avoid killing this herb.

Basil care

The soil can be the one you usually use for pots but you must fertilize it to nourish the plant. It must have 2 main qualities: humidity and good drainage.

As for the container, you can grow the basil in pots, raised beds or directly in the ground.

For light, it’s fundamental to choose a place where basil receives a lot of sunlight. It also does well in shade but won’t reproduce the same way.

Watering should be constant, especially if the plant is placed under direct sun. In case of watering problems, you’ll notice yellowing leaves. This is usually due to lack of water, although it can also be due to excess water so don’t flood the soil.

it’s wonderful to have it in your garden because it’ll help fight pests. For this reason, keep it close to the most vulnerable plants.

Basil harvest

You can start harvesting the plant up to 1 month and a half after the germination of the seed. Just make sure that its stems are 15 centimeters or more.

Like any good herb, you can remove the stems as you need them. We recommend taking the leaves in the morning as at that time they’ll be the juiciest.

Even if you don’t need the leaves we recommend picking them constantly to keep the plant going. In addition, you can dry the leaves or save them for later use in the kitchen.


Planta de jazmín

Jasmine has a delicious aroma that helps you sleep better at night, so it’s a great plant for the bedroom. You can also prepare jasmine infusions or oils to enjoy its medicinal properties.

Some jasmine varieties work as vines, an aspect that you should consider to provide it with the comfort it needs.

Jasmine sowing process

The best way to have jasmine in your garden is by reproducing cuttings. You can plant it in late spring or early summer if you want to keep it outdoors.

To do so, take a stem of at least 15 centimeters and place it in a glass half full of water to encourage branching. After a few days, when the stem has grown roots, it’ll be time to transplant it.

As always, when transplanting to the desired spot it’s necessary to give the plant a good watering so that it adapts favorably.

Remember that the climbing jasmine should be supported by a stick, stake or string so that it can climb.

Jasmine care

You should use well-drained, light soil. Potting soil is perfect and you can provide extra nutrients through compost or natural fertilizer.

You can also plant jasmine in pots, raised beds or directly in the ground. It’s usually placed in a container to keep it indoors, either for decoration or weather conditions.

It loves to receive direct sunlight but can be placed in a semi-shade.

You can water it a little but frequently. it’s essential to keep the soil moist, but as we have said before, never leave it to waterlog or it’ll be detrimental to the plant.

For both shrub and vine varieties, pruning is a wise practice. This way you’ll have it under control and it’ll look aesthetically better.

Jasmine harvest

When the jasmine has grown and bloomed it’s time to harvest its flowers. They better be taken in the morning.

What people use to prepare infusions are the buds. These should be left to dry in a place with good sunlight but little ventilation so that they don’t get blown away. When they’re already dehydrated you can store them in a container for later use.

Final recommendations

Keep in mind that, in all cases, you can buy the seedlings in a nursery to save you the germination of the seeds. This will be ideal if you want to have some of these plants and the hot weather have arrived before you sowed them.

Also, remember that to get the seeds or cuttings, you can go to local flower shops, seed shops or nurseries, stores with gardening sections or directly exchange with local farmers.

So, go for it! If you live in a hot area you already know what crops are perfect for your home garden and how to start planting before the warmer seasons arrive.
