The ideal site for learning



“The love of gardening is a seed that once sown never dies.”

- Gertrude Jekyll

About us

We are a bunch of gardening lovers who want to share all our knowledge with you. We will provide you with the key information so you can inmerse into this great world. From how to sow a plant, and how to take care of it, to what natural products you can work with.



Whether you are a beginner or an expert in gardering, for sure you will find valuable information about the last tendencies for decorating and beautifying your garden. As well as the essential tools for this great task.

Home gardens

Have you always wanted to have a vegetable garden in your own home but don't know how? Here we will teach you everything you need to know about home gardens so you can start or maintain your own.


Have you heard of beneficial plants for hair care? or, which plants bring good luck into your home? In this section you will find several tips and curious facts; from gardener to gardener.


Pests won't bother your garden any longer! You'll learn how to recognize these insects so you'll be able to prevent and fight them. Also, You will know about the deseases that may attack your plants, and we'll help you to eliminate them.

Our partner sites

Club de Jardinería

Spanish gardening guides

Club de Jardinage

Gardening tips in French